Amid talks that the general elections may take place this year, Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari today said that the UPA would complete its full term.

“In 2004, the UPA was elected for five years. We fulfilled our mandate and our commitment to the people. We have great respect for our allies. We always walked the extra mile to take them on board.

“But our commitment to the people of India is paramount.

The people of India have given the UPA a mandate for five years and we would complete our term,” Tewari told reporters here.

General elections

He was replying to a query on the buzz over general elections taking place this year and Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav’s reported directive to his partymen to be prepared for early polls.

Senior BJP leader M. Venkaiah Naidu had also said yesterday that the Congress may go for early elections this year.

In reply to a query on the hanging of Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru, Tewari said the Opposition parties have taken a negative approach.

“The kind of statements that came from BJP and other opposition parties since yesterday are very unfortunate and condemnable,” he said.

“Whenever decisions related to implementing the rule of law or constitutional processes are taken, there will neither be a need to pat on the back nor condemn. National security is a sensitive issue and all political parties should rise above political consideration and perform their role in a responsible manner,” Tewari said.

In an indirect reference to BJP, he said those “who hosted terrorists and accompanied them to Kandahar” need to introspect before raising fingers at the governments led by others.

The UPA Government never hesitated to take tough decisions on issues concerning national security, he said.

UPA achievements

Highlighting the achievements of UPA Government, he said it has scored high on various counts like political stability, communal harmony, national security and strengthening the economy.

Though there has been some weakness on the economic front this year, it is to be noted that a global slowdown prevailed. The economic growth during the UPA regime has been better than what it was during the NDA rule.

The young leadership in the form of Rahul Gandhi would further energise the Congress and also India, the minister said.

On the contentious Telangana issue, he said the matter is sensitive and there is need for patience and engagement. The Centre understands the sensitivities of all sides and is trying to take a decision over the issue.