There's no new Omicron variant in Maharashtra for the second consecutive day. As of today, there are 10 cases of Omicron variant in the State according to the State Health Department.

Through airport and field surveillance, 64 samples have been sent for genomic sequencing. Results of 52 are awaited so far. Field surveillance of all international passengers who have arrived since November 1 is underway.

Today, there are 6,286 active Covid-19 cases in the State, while 1,040 patients were discharged on Wednesday and 893 new Covid-19 cases were reported. The recovery rate in the State is 97.72 per cent. 10 Covid-19 deaths were reported in the State on Wednesday. The case fatality rate in the State is 2.12 per cent.

Currently, 74,170 people are in-home quarantine and 891 are in institutional quarantine.