The monsoon has continued to maintain a weak phase except in parts of East and North-East India, North-West India and the South Peninsula.

A forecast low-pressure area has failed to materialise but a preparatory cyclonic circulation is in place over South-East Jharkhand this morning.


This is seen as moving in a west-northwest direction to Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and the neighbourhood, dragging in a fresh rain belt across the region.

Among areas which received varying amounts of rainfall yesterday were North-East India, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and isolated parts of the rest of North India.

In the South, Kerala and South interior Karnataka, along with parts of the rest of the region, witnessed a wet spell as flows feeding into typhoon 'Noru' in the North-West Pacific precipitated rainfall.

Back home the cyclonic circulation over South-East Jharkhand too had some influence on the flows as some of them were diverted back into the Bengal and Odisha coasts.

This morning's cloud pattern showed the skies over Kerala clearing up, while those above the Chennai-Nellore belt featured some.


In the North, the clouds hung over Bhopal-Jabalpur-Sagar in Madhya Pradesh; Nagpur-Bilaspur in Maharashtra and Chhattisgarh; and Haryana-Chandigarh-Punjab-Himachal Pradesh.

An India Met Department outlook said a low-pressure area may form over land over the Indo-Gangetic plains by August 14 and move into Uttar Pradesh and North Madhya Pradesh the next day.

This would trigger another round of wet spell for the East and adjoining North-West India, while weak south-westerly monsoon-friendly winds are forecast to blow across Kerala and Karnataka.

The rest of the West Coast to Kerala's north may also come under what forecasts suggest are a tentative revival of the monsoon, which would be just in time as well.

Meanwhile, the ongoing rain in Kerala has made some modest improvement in its rain-deficit scenario.