The survey included more than 12,000 employees, managers, HR leaders, and C-level executives across 11 countries, including India, Japan, China and Korea (1,000 employees, managers, HR leaders, and C-level executives from each market) found that the Covid-19 pandemic has increased workplace stress, anxiety, and burnout for people by almost 70 per cent for people all around the globe, and they prefer relying on robots for support.

“Indians like never are openly discussing about mental health issues. While 84% say that they have experienced mental well-being challenges, 92% say they would prefer a bot over a human for counselling. This clearly reflects the evolving social-emotional state of the Indian workplace. With as high as 92% of the Indian workforce preferring to talk to robots than to humans, I believe that the job of HR is etched out. We are seeing a clear dichotomy here were on one side we are witnessing a greater social acceptance of mental health issues and on the other hand, we see such a huge percentage of India workforce leaning towards bots for counseling rather than their managers on health issues, ” said Shaakun Khanna- Head of HCM Applications, Oracle Asia Pacific

“The uncertainty, fear, and 77% of Indians spending at least five additional hours at work is adding to the ongoing stress. Technology is, however, paving the way forward and this year’s AI@Work Oracle survey findings show clearly that the lines between personal and professional lives are blurring and this will further lead to an extensive and more collaborated play between technology and humans within HR,” Khanna added.

Workers in India (89%) and Korea (84%) witnessed their mental health being negatively affected by the pandemic, followed by China (83%), U.S (81%), France (75%), UK (74%), Japan (70%), Germany (68%), Italy (65%). While, 91% of workers in India and China would prefer to talk to a robot over their manager about stress and anxiety at work, followed by UAE (77%), Korea (74%), U.S (67%), Brazil (64%), France (60%), Italy (57%), Germany (56%) and lastly Japan (49%).

The most common repercussions globally were sleep deprivation (40 per cent), poor physical health (35 per cent), reduced happiness at home (33 per cent), suffering family relationships (30 per cent), and isolation from friends (28 per cent).