DLF is positioned to play a major role in the India growth story in the post Covid-19 world as the “undisputed leader” in the Indian real estate industry, its Chairman Emeritus KP Singh has said.

Describing DLF as already “battle ready” for the future, Singh said in an address to DLF Associates and employees on Friday that the “new normal” ushered in by the Covid-19 would be different from “what we have been practising so far” and “would require major changes in our mindsets in the way we live and the way we do our business now”.

Due to this unpredictable situation, only those companies that have abundance of youthful energy, innovative ideas and a striving passion for quality and excellence will thrive, he said. This calls for highly motivated team members with strong work ethics, professional integrity and a burning desire to be better than the best. Work culture will undoubtedly undergo a sea-change after recovery from the present coronavirus menace has been accomplished, according to Singh.

‘Learn to live with it’

“Personally, I do not believe Covid-19 will disappear in one go; it may somewhat follow the pattern of Spanish Flu — it will come, go and recur again and eventually settle down when a vaccine is successfully developed. We have to learn to live with it,” said Singh.

The economic upheavals which are bound to unfold after the recovery from the Covid-19 episode are unimaginable at this stage. However, one thing is certain — eventually recovery will happen, but when God only knows, he added.

Singh, who served as Non-Executive Director/Chairman of the company till June 4, 2020 tendered his resignation from that post. He has now been appointed as the Chairman-Emeritus.

“As you all know, I have travelled extensively and observed that the most successful companies are those which have adopted three basic mantras — productivity, customer satisfaction and rigid compliance of laws,” said Singh.

The reality is that a new and highly competitive business environment is emerging in India. Constant change will be the name of the game, he said. “For DLF to surge ahead, each one of you must consciously strive to be ahead of the curve, as a team and as individuals. Together, under the leadership of Rajiv Singh, you will face the new challenges and seize the new opportunities. A glorious future awaits us, particularly after the economic recovery from the ongoing Corona Virus has been achieved,” added Singh.

The DLF Board has also now approved the appointment of Rajiv Singh, son of KP Singh, as the new Chairman of DLF Ltd.