In a step towards bringing more structure to the real estate market, the National Association of Realtors in India plans to train over one lakh real estate professionals by 2025 through various programmes.

“NAR provides training and education programmes and certification courses under its extended arm, the Indian Institute of Real Estate. Recently, Maharashtra RERA became the first authority to officially signup with IIRE and NAR India for formal education to enter the real estate sector,” said Sameer Arora, President, NAR.

More about the programme

The programme would provide training to RERA-registered real estate consultants and brokers in Maharashtra. NAR claims to have trained close to 50,000 professionals in the last four years. “Knowledge can help the sector in getting organized and would institutionalize the growing services sector,” said Arora.

It has identified the need for ten lakh real estate professionals by 2025 and aims to train at least one lakh people in the next four years. The program includes strategic management, marketing, sales management, operations management, finance, and legal compliance and is delivered through online and offline platforms with the help of local associations.

Create awareness

The association believes that more awareness needs to be created about the job opportunities in the real estate sector, which might help to address the shortage of manpower in the industry and unemployment in the country. Arora said, “The plan is to train, mentor, and help interested people to set up their own businesses or place them in companies across the country. We will soon be reaching out to colleges and campuses across the country to take the initiative forward.”

In addition to training, it is promoting realtors through the upcoming 14th  NAR-India Annual Convention. NAR India, the representative body and advocacy group for those in the Real Estate Transaction Advisory, was formed in 2008 to establish standards and accreditation in the real estate industry and facilitate professional development.