Sandeep Sancheti, Vice-Chancellor of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, took charge as the 97th President of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) on July 1. Earlier, he was President of Manipal University, Jaipur, and Founder-Director of National Institute of Technology, Delhi. Sancheti began his professional career in 1984 at MBM Engineering College, Jodhpur, as assistant professor. Excerpts:

What are the steps to be taken to improve the ranking of Indian institutes?

Indian educational institutions are much younger than their Western counterparts, and research has not been a convention here. It was only in the early 2000s that we understood its importance. That way we are only 15-20 years young. Research is measurable and definable. If we are lacking in ranking, the reason is we are quite young in research. In the past five years, since we started focussing extensively on it, our rankings have also improved. Also, there is a need to raise the bar internationally. Educational institutions alone cannot do this; there is a need to have an entire ecosystem.

What are some of the challenges that Indian universities face?

All of sudden too many fronts are open. A teacher is no longer a classroom teacher who only has chalk and talk to do. Today a teacher has to raise funds, adapt to every student’s need, counsel them, do research, and attend conferences simultaneously. Multitasking is not easy for everyone, and till now they were not well-geared for it. This poses the biggest challenge. Even if they are willing, there is lack of resources. Also, as a society, we need to have tolerance for failure when it comes to research.

Why are there still fewer female students in the most sought after institutions in India?

Our society has a major role to play in it. Even my family, till my generation, was very conservative when it came to female education. However, things are now changing for good. For example, SRMIST has more female faculty members now. The small steps towards female education can lead to a big change, and we, as a society, need to understand that.

What will be your roles and responsibilities as the President of Association of Indian Universities?

Some of my responsibilities will include helping the government and non-governmental entities in coming up with a policy framework for the growth of higher education. I will also work towards developing effective training programmes for the leaders in higher education system — at the levels of deans, directors, and registrars.