Hockey India today unveiled the trophy of the much-anticipated Hockey India League (HIL) to be held across the country from January 14 to February 10.

Describing the huge trophy, Hockey India League chairman Narendra Batra said, it was designed keeping in mind the improving status of Indian hockey at the international stage.

“The trophy shows a player protruding outwards from the base. The player showcases the rise of the game in recent years and the emergence of India once again as a hockey powerhouse,” he said.

Commenting on the scheduling of the semifinals and the final in Ranchi, he said Jharkhand is one of the main centres of hockey in the country and Hockey India is keen to promote the game in the State.

He also announced a slew of awards including the Gurdeep Singh Chadha award for the most promising young player of the league.

The U-21 player will be awarded Rs 20 lakh while the Hero player of the tournament will be given Rs 25 lakh.

“We are proud of our association with the national game. I am sure that the initiative taken by Hockey India to start this league will go a long way in developing the game and bringing back its old glory,” said Hero Group CEO Pawan Munjal, who was also present at the ceremony.

Man-of-the-match awardees in the tournament will get richer by Rs 25,000 while the best goal of every match will also be awarded Rs 25,000.

The organisers will also give the spectators an opportunity to be part of the action by giving a select few, a chance to come on the pitch square up against the goalkeeper.

Five select spectators will be given a chance to score goals from penalty strokes with every goal scorer getting richer by Rs 10,000.