# Omicron toll in India at 224, Prime Minister reviews: As Omicron cases in the country increase, the Prime Minister is set to review the situation today.


# Gujarat adds nine more: By the end of Wednesday, Gujarat reported nine new Omicron cases on taking the State’s tally to 23.


# Delhi curbs: The capital, meanwhile, brought in curbs on celebrations.


# Internationally, Spain looks to bring back the mask: The Spanish Prime Minister has convened a special Cabinet meeting to pass a law by decree that makes it mandatory to wear masks outdoors, amid a record surge in Covid-19 cases.


# Europe’s surge: The World Health Organization’s top official in Europe has urged governments to prepare for a “significant surge” in coronavirus cases across the continent due to the Omicron variant, which is already dominant in several countries. “We can see another storm coming,” WHO Europe regional director, Dr. Hans Kluge, said at a press conference in Vienna.


# Less severe?: As the discussion rages on, whether Omicron has a less severe impact, a study from South Africa seems to says so.


# Pfizer’s pill: US health regulators authorised the first pill against Covid-19 and President Joe Biden said it marks a “significant step forward” on the path out of the pandemic.
