The Commanders-in-Chief of the Army, Air Force and Navy met in Shillong on Thursday to review operational issues and enhance interoperability among the three forces in the eastern region.

The integration issues came up for discussion during a conference organised to beef up jointmanship among the services, institutionalised by the Chiefs of Staff Committee in 1997. “The commanders exchanged notes on the peculiarities of operations in their respective domains, to identify each other’s strengths and arrive at mutually agreeable solutions to enhance interoperability and synergy between the three services,” a spokesperson of one of the three forces said.

The top brass of the three services also took an update on developments in various operational and logistic issues deliberated in the last meeting.

Tri-services synergy is important for theaterisation, which has been delayed owing to differences among the forces. Absence of a Chief of Defence Staff since the death of General Bipin Rawat in a helicopter crash last December has also dragged the issue of integrating the three services to meet future conflict demands.