
Half the world’s sandy beaches may be wiped away by the end of the century due to rising sea levels and other climate change effects, with Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico, China and the United States among the hardest hit, researchers said on Monday.

Many beaches that attract frolicking vacationers may be turned into rocky remnants as rising seas, changing weather patterns and other factors erode sandy shorelines that now account for over a third of global sea coasts, they added.

A large proportion of shoreline in densely-populated areas is projected to be lost.

Tourist areas to suffer most

“Touristic areas which have sandy beaches as their main selling point will probably face strong consequences,” said coastal oceanographer Michalis Vousdoukas of the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy, lead author of the study published in the journal Nature Climate Change .

A rise in global sea levels has accelerated in recent decades, with the major causes seen as thermal expansion - water expands as it warms - and melting of land-based ice such as glaciers and ice sheets.

The researchers analysed satellite images showing shoreline changes during the past three decades and applied these trends to two climate change scenarios looking forward, one envisioning a moderate mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change and the other envisioning high emissions.

Projected loss

By 2050, the researchers projected losses of 13.6- 15.2 per cent of global beaches, amounting to 36,097 km to 40,511 km of lost sandy shorelines. By 2100, they projected losses of 35.7-49.5 per cent of beaches spanning 95,061 km to 131,745 km).

Australia would lose more sandy shoreline than any other country, with up to 14,849 km projected to be gone by 2100, about half its current total sandy coastline.