If you are assured seven mosquito-free days while you are on the Pandharpur Aashadi Eakadasi yatra in Maharashtra, would you not favour the product? Vritti Media’s job was to introduce the Goodknight Fast Card mosquito repellent to rural consumers in the State. It chose the yatra as it takes place annually in July, the virulent breeding season for mosquitoes, and attracts over 15 lakh people from small towns and villages. The campaign began with giving out information on bus schedules at more than 30 bus stations. Visitors at Pandharpur were welcomed over a public address system, interspersed, of course, with jingles of the product. Along the route were hoardings in Marathi, and five lakh branded bhajan booklets were distributed. At pilgrims’ resting spots volunteers in Fast Card caps and T-shirts served water. There were product demonstrations every evening in the Mutt hall, which can seat 2,000. Vritti Media says it managed to reach out to 30 per cent of Maharashtra across all districts.