UK-based Vinformax, which has a technology innovation and production centre in Bengaluru, launched phase 2 of its flagship product S3D Medimagic on Monday. The company claims this is the world’s first stereoscopic 3D digital medical education platform that enables VR-like tutoring and learning. The S3D Medimagic mobile app was also launched during the event, said a company release. With this, students will be able to view extremely intricate structures and functional processes within an arm’s distance from anywhere in the classroom, said Vinformax CMD Premchander Rajan. Our Bureau

The S3D Medimagic uses HD stereoscopic images, visuals and models to bring high definition in-depth perception of human anatomy, Ppysiology, bio-chemistry, pathology, pharmacology, forensic medicine & toxicology and microbiology. With this, students will be able to view extremely intricate structures and functional processes within an arm’s distance from anywhere in the classroom, the CMD of Vinformax, Premchander Rajan said.

“Watching medical lessons in 3D in the class rooms and in 2D in the app version, leads to more retention power thereby saving time for the students and also prevents routine redundancy where hours are spent trying to memorise the subject matter,” medical director of Vinformax, Dr. Mahesh Kottapalli said.