After inducting 21 women team members back into the firm, Wells Fargo Enterprise Global Services (EGS), an arm of the NYSE-based financial services company, is planning to roll-out the Glide Career Continuity Programme for Women in Bengaluru.

Launched last year, the Glide programme offers supportive learning regimen to help women coming back to work after a gap of two or more years.

“A career gap does not take away a person’s inherent capability, or their ability to reintegrate into the workforce and start contributing. The success of our pilot program validates this,” Nirupama Guruprasad, Senior Vice-President (Strategy and Initiatives) of EGS and Glide Program Lead, said at the valedictory of the first batch of Glide.

Glide programme

The programme address the challenges that generally hinders experienced and talented former women employees from getting back to work.

“The programme helps a smoother re-entry to full-time work through a gradual ramp-up of work hours and highly customised trainings,” the firm said in a statement on Monday.