The US is looking forward to work with the new Indian Government on South East Asia and resolve some of the territorial issues in South China Sea, a US Congressman has said.

“We look forward to working with (the new Indian) Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi as we address these issues in a regional manner, using international norms and international laws. And India certainly has a role,” lawmaker Ami Bera said during a Congressional hearing.

Lauding the peaceful conduct of mammoth Lok Sabha elections, he said: “We just saw a remarkable showing of democracy in action with the recent elections. I think over 500 million folks cast ballots.”

“I’d like to take a chance to congratulate the new Prime Minister Narendra Modi and welcome the administration’s call to renew this partnership,” the Congressman said.

“We look forward to working with India to address and resolve some of the territorial issues in South China Sea and India’s continuing emerging role as a major player in the world,” said Bera, the only Indian-American in the current Congress.