India has “expressed clearly” its concerns to senior US Embassy officials here about reports in the US media on the US Government’s surveillance of the Indian Government, its citizens and Indian entities.

The diplomats were summoned after reports in the US media that revelations by former CIA contractor Edward Snowden showed that India and the BJP were under American surveillance in 2010.

“As a Government we have already communicated to the US Government.

“We have also asked the US Government if such intrusion has indeed been authorised and has taken place. Our view is that if this should have happened these are highly objectionable.

“As has been the case in the past one year in response to similar disclosures our concerns have been expressed clearly to senior officials of the US Embassy here,” said a spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs on Wednesday.

The spokesman added that the US has promised to get back to the Indian Government after making a judgement on what kind of information is required to be shared with India on the questions asked previously and now.

“It is important to convey the message… the messenger is not important.

“The message was conveyed this morning at 10,” the spokesman said in response to a question on the identities of the US diplomats and Indian officials.

Return from Iraq The Indian Government has purchased tickets for about 530 Indian nationals on various commercial airlines to travel from Iraq to India, the spokesman said.