US President Barack Obama has called his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to discuss bilateral relationship and stressed on the need for continued cooperation between them on Iran, the White House said.

The two leaders reviewed the important progress achieved during the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue on July 9-10 in Beijing and the President thanked Xi for hosting the event this year, the White House said.

Obama reaffirmed his commitment to developing a relationship defined by increased practical cooperation and constructive management of differences.

“In this context, President Obama and President Xi discussed the need for continued US-China cooperation in the ongoing P5+1 negotiations with Iran and the implementation of the Joint Plan of Action,” the White House added.

Obama underscored the need for Iran to take the steps necessary to assure the international community that its nuclear programme is exclusively peaceful, the White House said.

The President also stressed the need for enhanced communication and coordination on actions with China to ensure North Korea meets its denuclearisation commitments, it said.

The statement said adding that Obama said he looked forward to seeing Xi at the APEC leaders’ meeting in Beijing this November.