Condemning the assassination of Tunisian Opposition leader Chokri Belaid, the United States yesterday said that there is no place for violence in the democracy of this North African country.

“We are watching the situation (in Tunisia). We condemn the assignation of Chokri Belaid, but we remain hopeful that Tunisia can realise the aspirations that their people fought for. There’s no place for violence in Tunisia’s democracy.

“It wouldn’t resolve the issues that Tunisians face and it’s not an appropriate response to murder, it’s only going to bring more violence,” the State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters at her daily news conference.

Welcoming the steps that Tunisians are taking to maintain dialogue among them about their political future, Nuland said it is up to Tunisia’s leaders to decide how to take the country forward.

“We also encourage Tunisia’s citizens, their political leaders, to continue to work together to find consensus so that the constitution can be completed quickly, to ensure that constitution respects universal human rights and the will of the Tunisian people and that they can develop a plan for early elections and determine a permanent government,” the US official said in response to a question.

Noting that the US is not going to dictate the political path in Tunisia, she said: “In the case of public demonstrations of discontent, what we will say about Tunisia is the same as we would say anywhere in the world, that those expressing their discontent should do so peacefully and that security forces should be responsible and exercise restraint.”