Health authorities in Austria have suspended the vaccination drive that employed AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine as a precautionary measure.

The authorities took this decision as a person in Austria died shortly after receiving the vaccine dose, as per media reports.

WHO lists AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine for emergency use

The health agency stated: “The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) has received two reports in a temporal connection with a vaccination from the same batch of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the district clinic of Zwettl in Lower Austria province.”

AstraZeneca vaccine effective against Covid-19 variants: UK

The authorities revealed that the woman was a 49-year-old and she died as a result of severe coagulation disorders. Another woman, 35 years old, developed a pulmonary embolism and is recovering.

A pulmonary embolism is an acute lung disease triggered by a dislodged blood clot.

According to the local media, Niederosterreichische Nachrichten, broadcaster ORF, and the APA news agency, the women who faced abnormal outcomes after vaccine doses were both nurses at the Zwettl clinic.

Investigation under way

The state health agency maintained that the blood clot is not an outcome of the vaccine side effects. Hence, they are investigating the matter.

“As a precautionary measure, the remaining stocks of the affected vaccine batch are no longer being issued or vaccinated,” it added.

The APA news agency also cited AstraZeneca that said it is cooperating with Austrian authorities in the investigation of these cases.

“All of these evaluations have concluded that the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine is safe and effective,” APA quoted the company as saying.