Having finally decided to take control of the Brexit process, at least for a day, British members of Parliament are setting out how they think things should move forward. They will vote on them from 7 PM London time on Wednesday, using paper ballots.

MPs will be able to vote for every option that they support, with the object of finding a solution that could get a majority. The result is not binding on the government — but Parliament could try to make it so, in subsequent moves.

There are two types of motion, those that focus on outcomes: what sort of relationship the UK should have with the European Union, and those that deal with process — the means of getting to that outcome.

These are the proposals we know about so far.

Labour’s Customs Union

The official Labour proposal, to back the Withdrawal Agreement that Prime Minister Theresa May has negotiated, in return for her seeking a customs union with the EU, a close alignment with the single market and a close relationship to other institutions.

Another Customs Union

A simpler motion, from Labour’s Gareth Snell, that simply instructs the government to seek a customs union with the EU.

Second Referendum

A process motion that says Parliament should not ratify or implement any withdrawal agreement until it has been approved in a referendum. This has been proposed by Labour’s Margaret Beckett.


The UK should stay in the European Economic Area and rejoin the European Free Trade Association. This would give it access to the EU single market. It is the relationship Norway has. This is proposed by Tory MP George Eustice.

Norway Plus

Also being described by its authors as Common Market 2.0, this would add a comprehensive customs arrangement to the Norway option. It is backed by Labour’s Stephen Kinnock and Lucy Powell, and Tories Nick Boles and Robert Halfon.

No-Deal emergency brake

A process amendment, this would require a confirmatory vote in Parliament if the UK got to within two days of a no-deal Brexit. Proposed by the Scottish National Party’s Joanna Cherry.

Modified May’s deal

The idea that briefly looked like it might save May’s deal is back. It is May’s deal, without the Irish backstop section that Tory MPs hate but that the EU insists on. May has asked MPs not to vote for things the EU will refuse, but she has previously voted for this, so its not clear if that would be included.

Consult the Devolved Parliaments

A process motion from the Scottish National Party that says the UK should not leave the EU without the agreement of the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly.

Not an Option: May’s Deal

Mays office said they won’t be putting the deal she’s negotiated into the mix. It could be they fear its prospects would be damaged if it proved less popular than other options.