Barely a day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi secured crucial support from the US, Switzerland and Mexico for India’s membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), fresh hurdles are cropping up on that path.

China is leading opposition to the push for India to join the club of countries controlling access to nuclear technology, diplomats said on Thursday as the group discussed India’s bid.

Other countries opposing Indian membership of the NSG include New Zealand, Ireland, Turkey, South Africa and Austria.

The 48-nation NSG aims to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons. India already enjoys most of the benefits of membership under a 2008 exemption to NSG rules granted to support its nuclear deal with the US, even though India has nuclear weapons and never signed the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Opponents argue that granting it membership would undermine non-proliferation efforts and infuriate Pakistan, which responded to India’s bid with one of its own and backed by China.

“Bringing India on board is a slap in the face of the non-proliferation regime,” a diplomatic source from one of the countries resisting India’s push said.

A decision on Indian membership is not expected before an NSG plenary in Seoul on June 20.

US Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday wrote to members asking them “not to block… Indian admission to the NSG”.

China, however, showed no sign of backing down from its opposition to India joining unless Pakistan becomes a member. That would be unacceptable to many, given Pakistan’s track record of proliferation.

Most of the hold-outs oppose the idea of admitting a non-NPT state and argue that if India is to be admitted, it should be under criteria that apply to all states rather than under a “tailor-made” solution for a US ally.