Gay marriages resumed in California two days after a historic US Supreme Court decision, as the plaintiffs in that case were married to loud cheers at San Francisco City Hall.

Kristin Perry and Sandra Stier were married by state Attorney General Kamila Harris after a federal appellate court lifted an injunction that had blocked same-sex marriages pending the high court’s ruling.

The Supreme Court rejected appeals against a California court’s decision that a 2009 voter-approved ban on gay marriages was unconstitutional. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals then lifted the injunction.

Harris, who had urged the appellate court to act quickly, indicated that gay weddings would begin directly.

“On my way to (San Francisco) City Hall,” she tweeted. “Let the wedding bells ring!” Crowds of activists gathered outside as a line of same-sex couples seeking to get married quickly formed. City officials said the offices would remain open late on Friday and throughout the weekend to allow couples to marry.