Greece’s international lenders were expected on Monday to press the country for the immediate sacking of thousands of civil servants when they meet with government officials on a range of austerity issues.

The heads of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund were to insist that Greece fire about 4,000 public sector workers by the end of the year, the Kathimerini newspaper said.

But Athens was determined to seek more time from its lenders to decide which civil servants it would sack as it merges and shuts down dozens of public organizations.

Other issues on the agenda included tax collection, a potential reduction in the 23-per-cent value-added tax in the food service sector and the privatisation programme.

Finance Ministry officials said the current inspection visit would last until mid-June and involves the release of an additional tranche of 3.3 billion euros (4.3 billion dollars) in emergency funding.