Describing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is recouping from a stomach infection, as a “tireless and extraordinary” lady, US President Barack Obama has wished her a speedy recovery.

“She is tireless and extraordinary. I spoke with her this past week. We can’t wait to have her back. I know that all of you join me in sending her wishes for a speedy recovery,” Obama said in his remarks at a holiday diplomatic reception held at the Foggy Bottom headquarters of the State Department.

Clinton could not be present because of her illness.

“Had Secretary Clinton been able to join us, I was going to congratulate her on her record-breaking travels, visiting 112 nations, just about every one of the countries that are represented here this evening — more than 400 travel days; nearly 1 million miles,” Obama said.

“These are not frequent flyer miles. She does not get discounts. I suspect she’s not going to be flying commercial that much after she leaves the State Department,” Obama said.

Clinton would be leaving the State Department at the end of the first term, which ends next month.

Clinton, the most travelled US top diplomat ever, will not be able to make any trips for several weeks, a top aide said.

“Given her condition, the secretary’s doctors have advised that she may not fly for any significant duration in the coming weeks,” her closest aide, Philippe Reines said in a statement.

“So as things stand we are not planning any travel through mid-January”.