Japan has called on the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant’s operating company, Tokyo Electric Power, to inform the public immediately on the situation at the power plant.

“We are sorry, there are still various problems there,” Japan’s Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Toshimitsu Motegi told a news conference.

“We insist on prompt revealing of necessary information,” he said following the situation, where the company had not published immediately the information on water leaks to the ocean.

Radioactive water leaks have been a major problem emerging after the Fukushima-1 accident.

As of March 2013, more than 360,000 tons of water with various degrees of radioactive contamination was at the plant.

Specialists say that the up to 400,000 tons of water accumulates at the station daily because of subterranean waters.

A week earlier, the country’s Government called on the operating company to undertake necessary measures to prevent the leaks.

Though the company assures the leaks have only limited effect on the environment, the Japanese Government stressed they consider the current situation as a very serious one.