United States (US) President Donald Trump on Tuesday alleged that the World Health Organisation (WHO) is biased towards China and he would cut its funding if the international NGO continues to do so.

Trump told media reporters that he was mulling to "to put a very powerful hold on" funding to WHO, the UN body whose biggest funding source is the United States.

Trump, who had criticized other multilateral agencies for harbouring prejudices, said to media: "We're going to put a hold on money spent to the WHO.”

However, he has not elaborated about how much percentage of the total donation he is planning to cut. When reporters asked him him after his comment, he said: "I'm not saying I'm going to do it… We will look at ending funding.”

According to Trump, the WHO is very biased towards China and that is not right.

His comments built on an earlier statement on Twitter in which he accused the WHO of being "very China-centric."

Trump asked why the WHO had given "such a faulty recommendation," reportedly referring to the UN body's suggestion to not ban flights from China when the virus was growing rampant in the Asian country.

"Fortunately I rejected their advice on keeping our borders open to China early on," Trump wrote, referring to his decision to ban travel from the country.

China has drawn sharp criticism from the Republicans, who call coronavirus a “Chinese virus.”

They accused China of misreporting and hiding the gravity of the deadly virus from the world when it was the epicenter of it.

However, the US President has also been widely criticized for not taking the ramifications of the virus seriously likened to the ordinary flu and said was under control in the United States, before later accepting that it was a national emergency.

The US is struggling to contain the virus amidst a sharp rise in the number of cases that have now surpassed 4,00,000, with over 12,000 deaths.