Gender equality?

That women have now emerged as a greater force to reckon with in every sphere of human activity by breaking the glass ceilings which were erected by male-dominated patriarchal society with an intent to subjugate and suppress women is truly heartening. However, the poor representation of women in legislatures in countries across the globe and the fact that only a fewer of them holds leadership position in the corporate world are a grim pointer to how the entrenched obscurantist beliefs , bias and prejudices are still being loaded against them.

Moreover, the increasing instances of violent reprisals whenever they try to assert their fundamental rights remind us the distance society still needs to cover to usher in a era where gender equality becomes a reality.

M Jeyaram

Sholavandan, TN

Shift in Ukraine’s stand

Ukraine Present Volodymyr Zelensky has announced that his country will no longer be seeking NATO membership, a delicate issue cited by Russia as a reason for invading its pro-Western neighbour. This is a major shift in his position as just a couple of days back he clamored for urgent membership to NATO. Zelensky also said he is open to “compromise” over the status of two breakaway pro-Russian territories that Putin recognised as independent just before the invasion on February 24.

Regarding NATO membership, Zelensky said that he did not want to be president of a “country which is begging something on its knees.” Russia is opposed to neighbouring Ukraine joining NATO, the transatlantic alliance formed at the start of the Cold War to defend Europe from the Soviet Union. The Kremlin has been infuriated by the alliance’s expansion to former Soviet bloc countries in recent years. However, could the changed position of the Ukrainian President over NATO membership be a first step towards reconciliation between two warring nations ?

N Sadhasiva Reddy


Hike the policy rate

While the Indian economy is still confronted with the adverse effects of the pandemic, the Ukraine-Russia conflict has added further pressure. As crude oil prices are surging it is necessary to not only contain the prices of essential goods but also the outflow of funds by sharply reducing imports and outward remittance for servicing of debts.

Despite the low policy rates, private investment and consumption are not progressing as envisaged. It is better to hike the policy rates followed by an equivalent rise in deposit/lending rates. It will push up the resources of the banking sector and an increase in the lending rates will restrict borrowing for unproductive purposes. The diversion of money for unproductive and speculative purposes are also paving the way for the growth of bad assets in the banking system.

VSK Pillai

Changanacherry, Kerala

Environmental concerns

Apropos ‘Feeling the heat’ (March 9), too many wake-up calls in the past have been ignored to have any real hope that the latest IPCC report would shake the world into taking measures that would arrest this descent into catastrophe.

People in India as a rule are more bothered about immediate concerns than worry about something that will happen in the future. When people are struggling to make both ends meet, they cannot be expected to worry too much about the future of what they believe to be exaggerated claims.

There is a tokenism in the political class in dealing with environmental issues as they pay no electoral dividends. There are more important things to worry about like winning the next elections!

Anthony Henriques


A new HR model?

This refers to ‘Changes in employer-employee dynamics’ (March 9). The data and the seven trends provide an insight as to how the pandemic has impacted key HR practices. They have created formidable challenges as also an opportunity to HR professionals to review the established HR models. According to a recent study in McKinsey Quarterly, some of the elements of the new model will be: elevating HR through digitalisation; enabling agility and fluidity of workforce; creating HR practice groups to tackle specific, strategic, cross-functional HR priorities; and improving employee capabilities.

However, more appropriate now will be that each organisation assesses the effect of the pandemic on employee behaviour and motivation, review its existing HR model and incorporate the required changes.

YG Chouksey
