Emission targets

Countries are talking about global warming and unrealistic net zero carbon emission targets without doing anything to reverse their current activities. According to a UN climate report, countries like India and Pakistan are going to suffer a lot from accelerated global warming. In that context, these two countries should have acted as champions in the fight against global warming. Unfortunately, nothing is happening.

India set a net-zero emission target behind all other advanced economies without assessing the possible global warming impacts expected before the set target. If India wants to switch over to renewable energy, it still needs the assistance of China as it is the global leader in supply of solar panels, IC chips and components which are necessary for battery manufacturing. Make use of solar power compulsory for big houses and industries and encourage the people to pool electricity to help meet the energy needs of the country collectively.

Girish R Edathitta

Pathanamthitta , Kerala

Inflexion point for Congress

History is witness to waves of totalitarianism that inevitably tend to backlash. Progressive societies have then striven to restore equilibrium which today is skewed even more by the pandemic and the economic travails in its wake.

This is a time for padyatra by the Congress, reminescent of the Dhandi March. Long nurtured under secularism in a partitioned land, it did not grasp the essence of Nehruvian context, which was not the separation of religion from the state but of even handedness towards all religions.

Its pedigree in the fight for freedom, more than its subsequent dynastic credentials, must help it reclaim past relevance. The party needs to gather the will and earnestness to embrace the inevitable change.

R Narayanan

Navi Mumbai

LIC share price

The less than expected opening of LIC shares would have disappointed lakhs of first-time investors. An around 8 per cent discount opening would probably spook many who were expecting listing gains. Further, IPOs of large government companies too will be affected in the future. Thankfully, the offer was reasonably priced, otherwise the first-time investors would have taken such a beating that they would not dare to enter the market.

Instead of taking those policies of the LIC with a tenure of 15 years and more, the same investment in equity would give better returns.

Anthony Henriques


Attract firms exiting China

Many foreign companies are looking to shut down their businesses and relocate as China continues to remain marred with unending restrictions. Even though Xinhua, the Chinese state-controlled media, issued an article calling on foreign businessmen not to leave, it seems like companies already had a reality check. It is indeed a danger signal as a number of companies are shifting their base to India and that is welcome news for us.

China, which pressed the panic button of Covid-19 two years back, is feeling the heat as more and more companies are shifting towards greener pastures. It is an opportune time for Indian entrepreneurs and the bureaucracy to encourage these companies to set up base here by providing them good infrastructure facilities. Moreover, the wind is swinging towards India after the pandemic is over and we should look for more and more amenities in India favoring the new establishments and capture Lion’s share of openings and help our economy to grow in the years to come.

CK Subramaniam

Navi Mumbai

Sri Lankan govt must act

The new government of Ranil Wickremesinghe ought not to spare the rod and spoil the child so to speak. The new government ought to begin by charging Mahinda Rajapakse appropriately by appointing an independent Attorney General to prefer charges against all culprits. It would not be an impossible task to find independent judges to try all of them. The new government has extended the begging bowl to a consortium of friendly nations, who will all grudgingly donate, not wanting to pour money down the drain as was done previously. There is yet no sign yet of any persons being brought to trial. President Gotabaya Rajapakse should have also taken responsibility for pushing the country into a crisis and tendered his resignation.

A Kanesalingam

Kuala Lumpur