With reference to “Gamut of options in green policy”, (November 24), with rising incidence of natural disasters, governments are pursuing green industrial policies (GIP). It differs from traditional industrial policy regarding the potential global environmental benefit that comes from private sector innovation and competition in these areas.

The aim of the series is to provide policy-makers with research to support the development of cost-effective, well-targeted policies for the development of green industries.

P Sundara Pandian

Virudhunagar (TN)

Reforming judiciary

This refers to ‘A burdened judiciary needs help’ (November 24). In implementing the suggestion to employ Judicial impact assessment method is the difficulty in estimating the number of cases likely to arise from new legislation.

Besides, problems of delayed justice can also be addressed by the judiciary internally by a review and simplification of the justice delivery process.

There are many hurdles: the tortuous appeals process; too many appeals and counter appeals en route; frequent adjournments; judges handling many cases going on for a long time and concluding them before taking up another set and norms for prioritising cases.

YG Chouksey


Regulated market advice

This refers to ‘Leash on fin influencers’ (November 24). With the surge in capital market activity, the stupendous growth of financial advisory services offered by unsolicited and unauthorised agencies through social media platforms have been mushrooming.

Even some agencies are facilitating support through online faceless chatbots providing the contents where the authenticity has not been established.

The plan to frame regulatory guidelines requiring mandatory registration by all individuals and firms involved in such advisory services is a welcome step.

Sitaram Popuri


There has been an explosion of new demat accounts and more people are getting sucked into the stock market without much knowledge of how it works, depending on so called experts.

Quick to sense an opportunity to fleece them unscrupulous promoters used the financial influencers to help them part with investors’ money.

Whether there is criminality involved or if their recommendations were a result of bad judgement will be nearly impossible to prove in a court of law.

Anthony Henriques


Sustaining growth

This refers the views expressed in SBI Banking and Economic Conclave on the need for credit growth to sustain GDP growth. The central bank’s rate hike plays out with a lag. The whole purpose of increase in borrowing costs (read rate hike) is to desist consumers from spending and make banks more cautious in lending decisions.

Unless interest on deposits is in sync with repo rate hike and higher than inflation rate, deposit mobilisation will be a challenge for banks. Hence banks may have to look for alternate sources for lending.

To ensure that India remains the fastest growing economy and to retain the growth story banks cannot go overboard with lending but to keep an ideal CD ratio at 75% to keep inflation under control.

Srinivasan Velamur
