Article 370 of the Constitution giving special status to Jammu and Kashmir was introduced as a temporary measure at the time of Independence. It is only due to politics that the Article has not been repealed till date. Our Constitution is for the welfare of the people of India and J&K is an integral part of India. It is in the interest of all Indians for the people of J& K to get equal status. Once Article 370 is repealed more benefits will reach that state as people will migrate in greater numbers and develop it. Now people of other states do not dare to settle there. J&K needs more infrastructure and heavy capital investment. The amendments to must be initiated and the state assembly must support it. The time is right for the people of J&K to come forward and insist Article 370 is repealed.

Mahesh Kumar

New Delhi

Act now

UPA-II was crucified carrying the cross of inflation like the three earlier governments. The persistently high food inflation, impacting 45 per cent of the net earnings of the average Indian, is the sword of Damocles that even a majority government that starts on a high note cannot wish away. As of today, neither the combination of connected ministries nor the men heading them are able to provide a clue to tackling food prices.

Of course these are early days. The best of Budgets may not be a help to effectively contain food inflation. The PMO must unfold a plan to take firm grip on supply, regulation, distribution and monitoring of food items immediately. The threat of El Nino should only add to the sense of urgency. This enemy has been stalking us for too long.

R Narayanan


Good tempo

This refers to the article, “Modi outlines his policy priorities to secretaries” (June 5). The Prime Minister giving a pep talk to senior officials to take decisions boldly by promising he would stand by them is reassuring, given that red tape is more a norm than a rule in government offices. Modi’s insistence insisting on simplifying and streamlining administrative rules and procedures will go a long way in helping the common man. Also, his open invitation to bureaucrats to call him or email him directly is something new to our country. Hope the same tempo is maintained during the five-year tenure to build a strong India.

HP Murali


It’s all maths

It has been reported that the post of deputy speaker may go to someone from the AIADMK. The BJP is now in dire need of support from other parties in the Rajya Sabha: the NDA has only 65 members in the 245-member House. Sensing the NDA’s weakness Jayalalithaa has offered issue-based support in the Rajya Sabha demanding some benefits as quid pro quo . NDA still needs friends. After all life is a mathematical formula which says: add friends, subtract enemies, multiply happiness and divide sorrow.

KV Seetharamaiah

Hassan, Karnataka

Bold step

This refers to the article “Blow the lid off” by Anand Mehta (June 5). If the malafide and fraudulent acts affect the functioning of public and private enterprises or causing harm to national interests is a crime, those who bring such incidents to light must be encouraged and given legal protection. At a time when the US persecuting the whistle-blowers on its soil, the Indian government’s efforts to provide legal cover to the good samaritans is a laudable move. Instead of nitpicking at this juncture, we should welcome the Whistle-blowers Protection Bill, 2011, which is a bold step.

R Prabhu Raj


Looking at the past record of people who used the RTI Act to expose the wrongdoing of the powerful and the many deaths reported of such activists, we need to be very careful about revealing the identity of these whistleblowers. The law will work in an efficient manner when we are able to protect the identity of our people. Let’s protect our whistle-blowers and their families. Only then can we expect this democracy to work for the people.

CN Arun
