Well done

Apropos ‘Defence Ministry cautions firms using Chinese parts for drones’ (August 29), the Department of Defence Production (DDP) having dashed off a letter to industry bodies asking them to sensitise manufacturers against using Chinese parts for drones, is worrisome.

What else could explain the fact that MoD has reportedly placed an order for 200 logistic drones from Daksha Unmanned Systems Pvt Ltd, on ‘hold’?

Moreover, MoD’s apprehensions on this count can’t just be shrugged off . Since China must be fully aware of the ‘end use’ of its supplied parts, we need to keep constant tabs on these drones deployed at our key defence positions.

SK Gupta

New Delhi

President’s outrage

The reaction of the President calling ‘Enough is enough’ over the horrific rape and murder of a young doctor in West Bengal is welcome. But the issue, instead of gaining a social movement, is gaining political colour, which is not correct. The BJP taking up the issue is welcome but the same party’s reaction to violence against women in Manipur and other parts leave much to be desired.

Seeking political advantage over such horrific crimes speaks volumes about our political class.

AG Rajmohan


Male contraception

With reference to the article ‘Getting men to shoulder the responsibility of birth control’ (August 29), the emergence of male contraceptive methods is certainly a positive development.

Given the typical Indian male attitudes, it may take long time for them to adopt the pill or gel.

However, the “shoulder gel”, may find quicker acceptance among men, given its positive impact on libido.

Kosaraju Chandramouli


Black pepper imbroglio

Refer ‘Black pepper prices lose sting on higher imports’ (August 29). If one looks at the quantity of Sri Lankan pepper out of total imports during July, which is 80 per cent, the sense of alarm increases.

Merely insisting on Certificate of Origin for Lankan exporters may not help unless its veracity is duly ascertained.

Unless steps are taken on war footing by Indian customs and MoIC, domestic pepper farmers may have to bite the dust despite their hard toil.

Rajiv Magal

Halekere Village (Karnataka)