This refers to ‘Will technological disruption kill jobs?’ by Rana and Dhar (March 13). The important aspect of technology is that it grows continually as better technologies are developed. Developing better technologies involves a high degree of research and study. Unless the field of application is widened the possibility of boosting job opportunities is limited. Introducing the study of aspects of technology in the educational curriculum is very important.

TR Anandan


Technology is seen to be disruptive to differing degrees for each skill level in every human engagement. From simple automation that converted artisans to workers, we have moved to 3D printing that redefines blue collar jobs, and the all-pervading mobile data grid, cloud technology and IoS, that of the white. Cheaper manufacture then renders repair and re-use obsolete, to shrink the grey. Nations have little idea as to the rate of fall of conventional jobs and the rate and content of skilling required for future job sustenance and creation. This uncertainty will haunt the next generation as well.

R Narayanan

Navi Mumbai


Astounding support

This refers to your editorial ‘Power play’ (March 13). The heads of 23 countries attending the International Solar Alliance (ISA) to promote solar energy among member countries with the French president extending an additional €700 million by 2022 for solar projects in emerging economies is astounding. Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Accord has been rightly criticised.

HP Murali


Uninterrupted availability of electricity is a prerequisite for development. It is in this context that the commitment to investment in solar energy should be welcomed. Solar energy is pollution-free and comes with relatively cheap investment in technology. Besides, it is more reliable than other renewables.

Due to impurities, coal has to be imported. This adds to transportation costs, pushing up the tariff. Solar energy would drastically reduce operational costs. The Government should invite more private sector participation with attractive incentives and financial assistance to make solar generation successful.

V Subramanian


Give rights to tribal farmers

The problems of farmers from tribal communities who are mostly traditional forest dwellers are vastly different from that of mainstream farmers. Unlike mainstream farmers, the tribals do not have legal ownership of the land they occupy, and without this access to institutional credit is nearly impossible.

Under these circumstances, only the proper implementation of the Forest Rights Act 2006 that allows tribal or Adivasi farmers to claim ownership over their traditionally cultivated lands subject to verification by the Grama Sabha coupled with measures enabling them to engage in farming without fear of eviction in the guise of development projects will go some way in improving their standard of living.

M Jeyram

Sholavadan, Tamil Nadu


Protecting market interests

SEBI is acting fast on cases pertaining to synchronised trades, intended to generate fake profits/losses for tax evasion/money-laundering through cash transactions in dubious/illiquid stocks and derivatives contracts. The initiative would allow the market, national exchanges and other stakeholders to realise a significant amount by way of penalties and send out a clear signal to market manipulators.

Market malpractices such as synchronised/pre-planned trades are done by entities to buy/sell large volumes in real time to create an artificial demand and give participants an impression of heavy trading in a stock. It is important to safeguard the interests of retail investors, especially when the capital market sentiment is turbulent on account of various equity-averse reasons.

The regulator’s pro-activeness in this context should therefore be welcomed.

Girish Lalwani
