The manner in which two successive governments have misused Section 66A of the IT Act to subjugate freedom of speech was bizarre; the Supreme Court’s order therefore is a victory for freedom of expression.

In a prudent and vibrant democracy, PIL will be the last resort. However, of late it appears that PIL has become the only redressal mechanism for the common man. We should be grateful to Shreya Singhal whose PIL went a long way to strike down 66A of the IT Act as unconstitutional.

Ettirankandath Krishnadas

Palakkad, Kerala

It’s a victory for purveyors of free speech. If one may recall, Rinu Srinivasan was arrested for liking a comment made by Shaheen Dhada against the shutdown in Mumbai following Bal Thackeray’s death. The draconian Section 66A intruded on the freedom of expression guaranteed by the Constitution and had obviously made many take up cudgels against it. However, the court has done well to tread a careful line while turning down the plea to strike down Section 69A and Section 79 of the Act, which deal with the procedure and safeguards for blocking sites and exemption from liability of intermediaries in certain cases.

NJ Ravi Chander


Shame on us

With reference to the edit, ‘Cross Section’ (March 25), the verdict is great news for all those who dare to express their minds through the internet. The arrests made in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh are proof of the misuse of this section of the Act. In recent months, two writers have been physically abused and apologies have been extracted from them by applying enormous official power. One of them has said he would quit writing. This is the state of affairs in this country when it comes to freedom of expression. Shame on us and the government for not protecting the freedom of expression of these writers.

CR Arun


The interpretation of the law in defining offence in the social media has to consider inherent liberty and undiluted expression as traits of a common man in a democracy. Do we arrest spectators in a cricket match for booing a player or can we arrest people for opposing land reforms? One has to look at the intent of the post and not read between the lines.

Vikram Sundaramurthy


Definitely this law was abused more than used. It is not because of the law per se but because of the law implementing agencies. Any law in the hands of the wrong people is a threat. Those who welcome the ruling against Section 66A, especially from the political class, are totally fake. In order to go with the public mood they are falsely championing the cause of freedom of expression.

Ironically, a former union minister who welcomed the judgment was instrumental in framing the law and misused it too. Not only do we need a law to stop the spread of communal hatred, we need judicious implementation of the good laws. Unless the implementing agencies are neutral nothing can happen positively.

A Prabaharan

Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

Remove the middlemen

This is with reference to ‘The promise of horticulture’ by Abhirup Bhunia (March 25). Fruit and vegetable production has much to offer to the Indian consumer. The rate of growth and contribution to GDP from vegetable and fruit production has been on the increase since the last one decade and is much more than from cereals like wheat and rice.

The main stumbling block to a real breakthrough in vegetable and fruit production in India is, first, the stranglehold of the middlemen, and second, the absence of a national market. In winter, which is generally the fruit season, while a kilo of good oranges can be bought for something like ₹30-35 in the north, when it reaches the south it shoots up to ₹50-60 or more. This is not the case in western Europe. Europe has a common market. The planners in South Block are not even thinking about it, leave alone putting in place a working plan.

KP Prabhakaran Nair


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