Bharti Airtel reported a 75 per cent y-o-y decline in its June quarter profit to ₹367 crore. This was primarily due to the price wars led by Reliance Jio that impacted realisations. Bharti’s revenue declined 14 per cent y-o-y, impacted by the offers of the new entrant.

Though its subscriber base increased 10 per cent y-o-y to 281 million customers, the voice and data average revenue per user (ARPU) declined 20 per cent and 23 per cent respectively.

However, the voice and data usage per customer has registered an increase of 22 per cent and 188 per cent y-o-y. Among other segments, the digital TV service registered revenue growth of 7 per cent y-o-y.

The company’s net debt increased to ₹8,784 crore from ₹8,349 crore as of June 2016. The company has received the approval for the acquisition of Telenor India; this should help expand its network, particularly in data services.