With changes in the climate taking place faster than ecosystems can adapt, the result can be extinctions of species. Climate change is expected to significantly decrease biodiversity .

Biodiversity impacts human wellbeing . Changes in the ecosystems have been more rapid in the past 50 years than ever . It is expected to continue at the same pace or, worse, accelerate .

The deterioration of habitats, thanks to urbanisation , infrastructure building, deforestation , industrial farming , open-cast mining, and overfishing , leads to the loss of global biodiversity .

Over the past century , many have benefited from conversion of natural ecosystems to agricultural land and from the exploitation of biodiversity . However, research shows this has increased poverty and changes in the climate.

Scientists say assisted migration can help organisms shift to a new environ . If humans actively help other species move to areas that suit them better as the climate changes , we can perhaps save species that might otherwise go extinct.