1   I don’t like to stay desk-bound at work. Rather than have people come to my office, I walk up to people, go to everyone’s desks and spend time in different offices. This is part of the conscious effort I take to walk 10,000 steps a day which I achieve by starting my day with a morning walk and ensuring that I walk in the gym as well.

2 My day begins at 6.30 am and I spend an hour in the gym, five days a week. I focus on cardio — the treadmill and elliptical, with some light weights.

3 I don’t follow any kind of diet or have any food restrictions either. I stick to home-cooked, vegetarian food, and that works well for me. Moderation is the key.

4 I make a conscious effort to drink 3 to 4 litres of water every day. Staying hydrated is one of the most simple and effective ways to flush out toxins from the body.

5 My de-stress mantra is going for a walk on the beach. It calms me down instantly. I also enjoy swimming. Listening to music at the end of a long day is also something I like to do.