Diet is key to a healthy, functional mind

1. I am a big-time fitness enthusiast but not an early riser. My day usually starts around 7:30 am and working out for an hour in a gym is a part of my daily fitness regime. Even though I frequently travel for my business, I always manage to take some time out for physical exercise or meditation. It helps relax my mind and eliminate stress.

2. My day starts with a traditional healthy breakfast, a few nuts, fruits, and a glass of fresh juice daily. A glass of fresh juice can be an extremely refreshing way to begin one’s morning. I do not follow a strict diet but a healthy one, which is key to my health and fitness. In my opinion, a healthy diet leads to a healthy and fully functional mind.

3. I prefer going for a seasonal fruit, salads or coconut water when my day is packed with back-to-back meetings. It helps me stay hydrated.

4. I do play football, but not as often I want to. Due to the paucity of time and work schedule, I usually get time on weekends to play a match with my close friends or cousins. For me, it’s a stress buster, and at the same time, I get to spend time off work with my family and close friends.

5. My day ends with a cup of green tea, post dinner. I usually eat dinner around 9:30 pm, after dinner I spend the next couple of hours reading a book, surfing Netflix if free or e-mailing overseas clients


Varun Aggarwal, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Designhill