1 We all want to live a full life, but this can happen only when we are at our healthiest. Living fully is something that I live by both personally and professionally. Health isn’t only about being fit it’s a way to find one’s purpose and inspire others as well. Challenging limits and pushing past the possible is an abiding passion that I work and live by, and I pursue it across the elements air, water and earth.

2 Trekking: Helps me test my endurance, push limits. I recently scaled Mt Kinabalu, among the highest peaks in South-East Asia. The next target is Mt Kilimanjaro.

3 Flying: I am a certified pilot for a single-engine aircraft. Flying brings a certain mental focus and discipline. It is also fun to be able to see things from a different perspective.

4 Scuba: If you love water, scuba-diving is a great way to de-stress. Water’s a completely different environment and once you get comfortable, the sense of calm and focus is hard to beat.

5 Travel: Discovering new places with my family, seeing the wonder in my daughter’s eyes keeps me charged.

Ambati Venu, Managing Director, Abbott India