1 For a lot of us the past year was one of re-evaluation. One of the things I took a hard look at was my health. Although it’s hard to let go of old habits, a healthy lifestyle is key to more productivity. To offset lack of physical activity, I ensure my diet is nutritious and wholesome. I include leafy greens and fruits containing plentiful vitamins and antioxidants.

2 Another simple way to remain healthy is by staying hydrated. I drink water at regular intervals throughout the day.

3 I take every opportunity to walk as much as possible. If I am travelling for work, I clock in the steps by walking short distances whenever I can.

4 A few minutes of peaceful meditation always helps me de-stress during difficult times. I take time out for this even if I skip everything else.

5 Figuring out a sleep cycle is a must for staying healthy. It is especially critical when travel is an essential part of your work. I make sure I get enough shut-eye to stay fit.

Yogesh Choudhary, Director, Jaipur Rugs