1) The vital needs of man to live a contented life are beautiful sunrises and good health. Waking up early has been instilled in me since my army days. It has helped me never miss a beautiful sunrise and allows me to begin my day with at least a 20-minute workout. I play music to match the rhythm of my exercise.

2) Once a month, I train rigorously for an hour or carry out a high-endurance activity to keep in shape and maintain stamina. There is a special diet that goes with my workout schedule.

3) I swear by meditation; there is no scope to convince me otherwise. Even 10 minutes a day does the trick — the key is to be consistent in whatever we do.

4) I try to find enough time for activities that are enjoyable. I have been an avid sportsman in the past but now can, at best, only pursue golf.

5) Laughing with friends. For me, a good laugh with my pals and family helps de-stress significantly.

Harminder Singh Multani is Chief Executive Officer, MyDentalPlan Healthcare