1. I start early, at 5 am, and begin the day with exercise, yoga and meditation. They are like oxygen for my body. I do it irrespective of my sleep or travel overseas. I love walking too, usually in the mornings.

2. I am careful about what I eat and prefer a balanced, healthy diet with non-oily food. I drink a lot of tea and coffee, but offset that with green tea. When hunger strikes, it’s a bowl of papayas rather than snacks. I prefer South Indian food. Dinner is done before 7 pm and desserts are a strict no-no.

3. I advocate meeting with or talking to people in-person and I end up travelling a lot. I have time for everything and I work on the platform of abundance.

4. I de-stress by watching movies and playing with my grandchildren.

5. Every day is different. Business challenges keep me occupied. But I meditate before sleeping every day. That’s how I give away all my worries of that day to the universe. I also read management and spiritual books before I hit the bed.