1  Every day begins with an expression of gratitude and affirmation that “I am ready for whatever may come my way”. An ardent follower of meditation and yoga, I dedicate 20 minutes to Pranayam and visualising a productive and fulfilling day. I then have a cup of green tea where I plan my day, prioritising the top three tasks to be accomplished.

2 My day starts with a glass of water of methiseeds, soaked overnight. I am a vegetarian and believe that simple, unprocessed food is key to good health. My breakfast is organic and dinner, too, is usually light.

3 My family is my strength and time spent with them is precious and my ultimate stress-buster. It helps me gear up for whatever life throws at me. I also seek solace in cooking and find it quite therapeutic.

4 Maintaining work-life balance is crucial. I eagerly look forward to weekends wherein I enjoy reading, catching up with family and friends. I also dine at my late husband’s favourite restaurant and have his most-liked food every Sunday.

5 Home is where the heart is! I unwind with a casual chat with my kids over the dinner table. I also read before calling it a day.

Rupal Dalal

Executive Director, JD Institute of Fashion Technology