1. Nutrition is key. Being vegetarian, I have a high protein, plant - based diet through the day. 2. A passionate runner for more than a decade, I run 50 kms a week. It helps de-stress, keeps me physically and mentally fit.

2. Variety helps challenge the body. I include strength and conditioning workouts and HIIT (high intensity interval training) regimes.

4. An avid reader — my recent read is “26 Marathons” by Meb Keflezighi, an Olympic medalist and marathoner. Some takeaways : mental strength is as important as physical; nutrition and recovery are critical for performance.

5. Sleep is essential for rejuvenation of mind and body. I try for seven hours of sleep. Being a new father, this is slightly tough.

(Mihir Gadani is the Co-Founder of OZiva)