● Appointed in October 2014, this veteran journalist is also a Distinguished Fellow at the right-wing think tank Vivekananda International Foundation.

Previous government appointees from the think tank include Ajit Doval, Nripendra Mishra and PK Mishra.

●In June 2015, The Economic Times reported that Prakash “has got a fat hike from the government and could now possibly take home ₹1 lakh a month.”

The report adds that “this is an amendment made now to the Prasar Bharati Rules, 2000. As per earlier rules, the chairperson got only a meeting allowance of ₹1,000 per meeting, subject to a maximum of ₹5,000 per month. The chairperson gets no salary and no official vehicle. Now, an official vehicle has also been provided.”

● Author of several books and articles on parliamentary affairs, Prakash, in a piece titled ‘Verdict 2014: Sonia-Manmohan Punished for Decade-long Contempt for Hindu Majority’, writes, “… this column will focus on the Congress Party’s insolent behaviour towards the Hindu majority which, this writer believes, did maximum damage to its prospects in this election. With the passage of time, the party began to believe that it can run the country with just the support of the religious minorities. Therefore, one of the first acts of the Sonia-Manmohan Combine was to distort the facts vis-à-vis the Godhra incident.

Egged on by pseudo-secularists, the Sonia-Manmohan combine instituted a probe that produced a spurious report saying that the karsevaks had themselves set fire to the train compartment.

This piece of fiction was in line with the falsification of history resorted to by leftist and pseudo-secular historians owing allegiance to the Nehru-Gandhis.”