Being able to generate a good amount of website traffic is all well and good, but it’s just one part of your work done. You need to convert this traffic to leads as well. After all, only if you are able to discover and engage the buyers early on, you have a better chance than your competitors to win deals.

So how can you do that? Here’s my list of five things you could try to increase your traffic to lead conversions immediately:

Make the website responsive According to KPCB’s 2015 Internet Trends report from earlier this year, there were 5.2 billion mobile phone users in 2014, out of which 40 per cent were smartphone users. That tells you that the majority of that 40 per cent would be using their phones to surf the web. This further explains the need for mobile-friendly (responsive) websites. Think about it, if a website doesn’t render properly on your phone, doesn’t that turn you off? Unresponsive websites are un-navigable, hard to read, and therefore cause users to bounce. If the traffic doesn’t stick, there is no chance of conversion. A responsive website would solve this problem.

Use Topbar CTAs Website widgets such as topbars, timed pop-ups and such are really helpful in converting traffic to leads. We promote our monthly webinars using the topbar and that has really helped increase webinar registrations. It is also a great way to generate unique leads for the business.

A topbar is helpful for all types of businesses. Here are a few ways you can utilise it:

Spa and salon businesses can promote a specific offer such as ‘Discounts on Ayurvedic Spa Massage This Weekend’.

Education businesses can promote their most popular courses, and their ongoing offers, or crash courses.

IT business can promote webinars or events. Travel businesses can advertise seasonal travel packages.

It attracts attention to the most important offer that you want to highlight, and drives the users to conversion.

Have live chat windows Live chat windows not only help drive conversions, they are also a great way to interact with your prospects. Nowadays, more and more businesses are offering customer support through live chat windows. You should join that club!

Mix it up Exit and timed pop-ups have proved to increase conversions in many cases. If your offer is really relevant to the page, it will help improve conversions.

E-commerce websites can have exit pop-ups of products similar to the ones on that specific page.

For instance, if someone places an order for an induction cooker, you can have an exit pop-up of offers on induction-friendly utensils.

Though people have reported it to be irritating, businesses have reported huge success too.

As long as the offer is relevant to that page, there is no harm in trying it out.

You can try slide-ins instead of pop-ups if you don’t want to be directly in your visitors’ faces.

Try website surveys Now this is a tricky one but it has worked.

Apart from conversions, website surveys will help you understand your prospects better — what they want, what they would like to see, and so on.

A short, preferably multiple-choice survey that is relevant to the page and your target group could be used.

A website survey will also help you as marketers and business owners to find out what you may be doing wrong and how you can change that to give the best customer experience.

So, you are able to engage your visitors, get their opinions, capture some leads, and later improve their experience. It’s a win-win.

There are several other ways you can achieve a better website conversion, and there are several you would have already tried, but you should definitely give these methods a serious consideration — they are easy to set up, and businesses have boasted of immediate benefits from them.

Nilesh Patel is Founder & CEO, LeadSquared