Mobile is increasingly becoming the core platform for consumers through which they access Internet and engage with brands online, says a study.

According to Mobile Media Consumption report by InMobi, 59 per cent of cellphone users are now as comfortable with mobile advertising as they are with TV or online advertising.

“The appetite for mobile media continues to rise and that the mobile is not just a fundamental part of consumers’ communication needs, but increasingly the core platform through which they access the Internet and engage with brands online,” the report by mobile advertising network said.

“The study reveals that mobile users are always on, whether surfing the web while spending time with family (48 per cent), at a social event (45 per cent), commuting (60 per cent) and shopping (43 per cent). This creates a huge opportunity for brands and marketers to engage with consumers throughout the day unlike traditional advertising like print and TV,” InMobi CEO and co-founder, Naveen Tewari said.

Mobile advertising is proving to be effective across the entire purchase funnel with 75 per cent of respondents admitting they had been introduced to something new via their mobile device while 67 per cent feel that it had provided them with better options, the study said.

M-commerce continues to evolve and consumer adoption is high with 66 per cent of consumers surveyed having spent money on an activity via a mobile device.

“This will continue to increase significantly as 80 per cent of consumers plan to conduct mobile commerce in the next 12 months, a 21 per cent increase from where we are today,” the study said.