Anugrah Madison Advertising, the Chennai-based rural division of the Mumbai-based Madison World, has launched a rural marketing education service called Anugrah Madison Rural Academy (AMRA). Speaking at the silver jubilee celebrations of Anugrah Madison here, Mr R. V. Rajan, its Founder and Chairman, said AMRA would be responsible for the course content, faculty and evaluation of students. Anugrah Madison will depute its senior management, and a few others, to teach at management institutes. Initially, the courses would only be offered in South India. Mr Rajan said there was a dearth of teachers with hands-on experience in rural marketing and that AMRA hoped to fill the gap. Ms Lara Balsara, Business Development & Diversification Manager, Madison World, launched the service. Mr R. Seshadri, Managing Director, Anugrah Madison, said the agency has handled rural initiatives for a wide variety of clients dealing with agri-inputs, FMCG, durables and services for a number of clients including the Shriram Group, Kemin, Trubore, MRF and John Deere.