Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals here today launched, what it said, the country’s most advanced “128 Slice Ingenuity PET CT— Positron Emission Tomography (PET)”, a state-of-the art imaging system for early detection of cancer and other dreaded diseases.

The West Bengal Governor M K Narayanan inaugurated the imaging system along with hospitals CEO (eastern region), Rupali Basu.

PET CT, a medical imaging technique using a device which combines in a single gantry system both a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography, used for exposing occurrences of diseases like cancer at a pre-mature stage.

Sources said that PET CT device is India’s most technologically advanced diagnostic imaging facility which has enabled many clinically relevant advances in medical imaging.

These advances include the ability to image the coronary arteries and cardiac anatomy with increasing precision across a wider patient population, to facilitate more rapid trauma, paediatric and vascular exams, and to enable dynamic perfusion imaging of organs.

Rupali Basu said that PET CT has revolutionised many fields of medical diagnosis, by adding precision functional imaging, which was previously lacking from pure CT imaging.