The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) has directed Hindustan Unilever (HUL) to withdraw its persistent campaigns through leaflets against Tata Swach, the water purifier from the Tatas. Taking cognisance of the complaint filed by Tata Swach, ASCI, passed a verdict against HUL's leaflet which was in market circulation through its sales team and distribution channel.

Upholding Tata Swach's contention, ASCI stated that Pureit's advertisement leaflet violates Chapter IV (e) of the ASCI Code, which entails observing fairness in competition such that the consumer's need to be informed on choice in the marketplace is met and thus the Pureit leaflet “unfairly denigrates, attacks, discredits,” Tata Swach.

Tata Swach complained to ASCI in reference to a leaflet by Pureit, which announced a “safety challenge” claiming “Tata Swach does not protect against viruses and bacteria,” “does not have auto-shut off,” “has higher per litre running cost than Pureit,” “does not have sales and service network.”

HUL has clarified that the leaflets are already out of circulation.

“We wish to clarify that the promotional leaflets of Pureit against which the complaint has been made are not in use since July 2010,” said a HUL spokesperson.