Bisleri International aims to more than double its sales from pre-pandemic levels by FY26 on the back of deepening distribution in the top districts of the country and ramping up its manufacturing capacity. It is also going to step up focus on its carbonated drink portfolio.

The company recently marked its international foray by setting up operations in the UAE.

Angelo George, CEO, Bisleri International, told businessline, “ We kickstarted a four-year vision plan in April last year, with an aim to more than double our sales from pre-pandemic levels. We are scaling up capacities like never before to garner stronger volume growth.”

Urban-centric category

“ The packaged drinking water is still relatively an urban-centric category.We believe there is a huge headroom to grow the category penetration. We are, therefore, looking at deepening our presence further in some of the high-disposable income-driven towns and prosperous districts in the coming years,” he added.

Bisleri has a vast network of about 138 plants, which includes company-owned and franchise-owned manufacturing facilities. Capacity is being ramped up at some of the existing plants, with plans to also set up new plants, George said. Bisleri International is also looking at setting up three new company-owned plants.

Carbonated drinks

Talking about the company’s carbonated beverage business, George said, “ Currently, the carbonated beverage portfolio contributes less than 10 per cent to our revenues. We are sharpening our focus on this portfolio as we want to significantly grow this contribution. We will be adding new variants and products to this portfolio.” The company’s carbonated drinks portfolio includes Limonata, Spyci and Fonzo. The packaged drinking water major also expects to scale up its premium brand Vedica.

“ Our foray in the UAE will enable us to connect with the Indian diaspora and monetise our strong brand equity. It is one of the most evolved F&B markets and will give us a learning experience to venture into other markets,” he explained.

There have been speculations about Tata Consumer Products looking to buy a stake in Bisleri International. But the company did not comment on the matter.